DNA is extracted from a few drops of blood, cheek cells, or cultured cells. Enzymes are used to cut the DNA sample into fragments, which are then placed into a gel matrix. An electric current drives the fragments across the get - the smallest fragments move farthest, while the largest move the least distance. The separated DNA fragments are transferred to a nylon membrane, which is exposed to a labeled DNA probe, a short piece of customized DNA that recognizes and binds to a unique segment of the tested person’s DNA. This nylon membrane is placed against a film, which when developed, reveals black bands where the probes bound to the DNA. The visible band pattern of the child is unique – half matches the mother and half matches the father.
The process is repeated several times, with each probe identifying a different area in the DNA and producing a distinct pattern. Using several probes, greater that 99.99% certainty about percentage can be achieved.
Bands will appear similar to the picture below: The child (C) will share one band with the biological mother (M) and one ban with alleged father 1 (AF1); the biological father. No bands will be shared between the child and alleged father 2 (AF2), the excluded male.
DNA Parentage Testing is the most reliable and powerful method of proving or disproving parentage. It conclusively answers difficult questions, resolves disputes, helps streamline court proceedings and facilitates parental settlements.
Testing is based on a highly accurate analysis of genetic profiles of the mother, child, and alleged father. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the unique genetic blueprint within each nucleated cell in the body, determines a person’s genetic pattern and individual characteristics. A child inherits half of the DNA pattern from the mother and half from the father. If the mother’s and child’s patterns are known, the father’s can be deduced with virtual certainty.
• A man who is wondering if a child is really his.
• Someone wanting closure or peace of mind.
• A woman seeking child support from a man who denies he is the father.
• A person attempting to win visitation or custody.
• A parent going through a divorce.
• A person seeking to establish Social Security benefits, inheritance rights, or Native American tribal rights.
• Someone wanting to identify biological grandparents or siblings.
• Those who have received inconclusive results from other methods or who want a “second opinion”.